Source code for mutwo.core_converters.tempos

"""Apply tempo curve on any :class:`` and convert :class:`` to beat-length-in-seconds.


import functools
import typing

from mutwo import core_constants
from mutwo import core_converters
from mutwo import core_events
from mutwo import core_parameters
from mutwo import core_utilities

__all__ = (

[docs]class TempoPointToBeatLengthInSeconds( """Convert a :class:`` with BPM to beat-length-in-seconds. A :class:`TempoPoint` is defined as an object that has a particular tempo in beats per seconds (BPM) and a reference value (1 for a quarter note, 4 for a whole note, etc.). Besides elaborate :class:`` objects, any number can also be interpreted as a `TempoPoint`. In this case the number simply represents the BPM number and the reference will be set to 1. The returned beat-length-in-seconds always indicates the length for one quarter note. **Example:** >>> from mutwo import core_converters >>> tempo_point_converter = core_converters.TempoPointToBeatLengthInSeconds() """ TempoPoint = | core_constants.Real def __init__(self): self._logger = core_utilities.get_cls_logger(type(self)) @staticmethod def _beats_per_minute_to_seconds_per_beat( beats_per_minute: core_constants.Real, ) -> float: return float(60 / beats_per_minute) def _extract_beats_per_minute_and_reference_from_tempo_point( self, tempo_point: TempoPoint ) -> tuple[core_constants.Real, core_constants.Real]: try: beats_per_minute = tempo_point.tempo_in_beats_per_minute # type: ignore except AttributeError: beats_per_minute = float(tempo_point) # type: ignore try: reference = tempo_point.reference # type: ignore except AttributeError: self._logger.warning(core_utilities.UndefinedReferenceWarning(tempo_point)) reference = 1 return beats_per_minute, reference
[docs] def convert(self, tempo_point_to_convert: TempoPoint) -> float: """Converts a :class:`TempoPoint` to beat-length-in-seconds. :param tempo_point_to_convert: A tempo point defines the active tempo from which the beat-length-in-seconds shall be calculated. The argument can either be any number (which will be interpreted as beats per minute [BPM]) or a ```` object. :return: The duration of one beat in seconds within the passed tempo. **Example:** >>> from mutwo import core_converters >>> converter = core_converters.TempoPointToBeatLengthInSeconds() >>> converter.convert(60) # one beat in tempo 60 bpm takes 1 second 1.0 >>> converter.convert(120) # one beat in tempo 120 bpm takes 0.5 second 0.5 """ ( beats_per_minute, reference, ) = self._extract_beats_per_minute_and_reference_from_tempo_point( tempo_point_to_convert ) return ( TempoPointToBeatLengthInSeconds._beats_per_minute_to_seconds_per_beat( beats_per_minute ) / reference )
[docs]class TempoConverter( """Apply tempo curves on mutwo events :param tempo_envelope: The tempo curve that shall be applied on the mutwo events. This is expected to be a :class:`core_events.TempoEnvelope` which values are filled with numbers that will be interpreted as BPM [beats per minute]) or with :class:`` objects. :param apply_converter_on_events_tempo_envelope: If set to `True` the converter will also adjust the :attr:`tempo_envelope` attribute of each converted event. Default to `True`. **Example:** >>> from mutwo import core_converters >>> from mutwo import core_events >>> from mutwo import core_parameters >>> tempo_envelope = core_events.Envelope( ... [[0, core_parameters.DirectTempoPoint(60)], [3, 60], [3, 30], [5, 50]], ... ) >>> my_tempo_converter = core_converters.TempoConverter(tempo_envelope) """ _tempo_point_to_beat_length_in_seconds = TempoPointToBeatLengthInSeconds().convert # Define private tempo envelope class which catches its # '_absolute_time_in_floats_tuple_and_duration'. With this we can # improve the performance of the 'value_at' method and with this # improvment we can have a faster converter. # # This is actually not safe, because the envelope is still mutable. # But we trust that no one changes anything with our internal envelope # and hope everything goes well. The long term solution is to implement # a 'freeze' method for all mutwo objects, which auto-converts all # properties to catched properties. But this may still takes some time # and we already want to have faster converters now. class _CatchedTempoEnvelope(core_events.TempoEnvelope): @functools.cached_property def _absolute_time_in_floats_tuple_and_duration( self, ) -> tuple[tuple[float, ...], float]: return super()._absolute_time_in_floats_tuple_and_duration def __init__( self, tempo_envelope: core_events.TempoEnvelope, apply_converter_on_events_tempo_envelope: bool = True, ): self._tempo_envelope = tempo_envelope self._beat_length_in_seconds_envelope = ( TempoConverter._tempo_envelope_to_beat_length_in_seconds_envelope( tempo_envelope ) ) self._apply_converter_on_events_tempo_envelope = ( apply_converter_on_events_tempo_envelope ) # Catches for better performance self._start_and_end_to_tempo_converter_dict = {} self._start_and_end_to_integration = {} # ###################################################################### # # static methods # # ###################################################################### # @staticmethod def _tempo_envelope_to_beat_length_in_seconds_envelope( tempo_envelope: core_events.Envelope, ) -> core_events.Envelope: """Convert bpm / TempoPoint based env to beat-length-in-seconds env.""" level_list: list[float] = [] for tempo_point in tempo_envelope.parameter_tuple: beat_length_in_seconds = ( TempoConverter._tempo_point_to_beat_length_in_seconds(tempo_point) ) level_list.append(beat_length_in_seconds) return TempoConverter._CatchedTempoEnvelope( [ [absolute_time, value, curve_shape] for absolute_time, value, curve_shape in zip( tempo_envelope.absolute_time_tuple, level_list, tempo_envelope.curve_shape_tuple, ) ] ) # ###################################################################### # # private methods # # ###################################################################### # def _start_and_end_to_tempo_converter(self, start, end): key = (start.duration, end.duration) try: t = self._start_and_end_to_tempo_converter_dict[key] except KeyError: t = self._start_and_end_to_tempo_converter_dict[key] = TempoConverter( self._tempo_envelope.cut_out( start, end, mutate=False, ), apply_converter_on_events_tempo_envelope=False, ) return t def _integrate( self, start:, end: ): key = (start.duration, end.duration) try: i = self._start_and_end_to_integration[key] except KeyError: i = self._start_and_end_to_integration[ key ] = self._beat_length_in_seconds_envelope.integrate_interval(start, end) return i def _convert_chronon( self, chronon: core_events.SimpleEvent, absolute_entry_delay: | float | int, depth: int = 0, ) -> tuple[typing.Any, ...]: chronon.duration = self._integrate( absolute_entry_delay, absolute_entry_delay + chronon.duration ) return tuple([]) def _convert_event( self, event_to_convert:, absolute_entry_delay: | float | int, depth: int = 0, ) ->[]: tempo_envelope = event_to_convert.tempo_envelope is_tempo_envelope_effectless = ( tempo_envelope.is_static and tempo_envelope.value_tuple[0] == 60 ) if ( self._apply_converter_on_events_tempo_envelope and not is_tempo_envelope_effectless ): start, end = ( absolute_entry_delay, absolute_entry_delay + event_to_convert.duration, ) local_tempo_converter = self._start_and_end_to_tempo_converter(start, end) event_to_convert.tempo_envelope = local_tempo_converter(tempo_envelope) rvalue = super()._convert_event(event_to_convert, absolute_entry_delay, depth) if is_tempo_envelope_effectless: # Yes we simply override the tempo_envelope of the event which we # just converted. This is because the TempoConverter copies the # event at the start of the algorithm and simply mutates this # copied event. event_to_convert.tempo_envelope.duration = event_to_convert.duration return rvalue # ###################################################################### # # public methods for interaction with the user # # ###################################################################### #
[docs] def convert(self, event_to_convert: -> """Apply tempo curve of the converter to the entered event. The method doesn't change the original event, but returns a copied version with different values for its duration attributes depending on the tempo curve. :param event_to_convert: The event to convert. Can be any object that inherits from ````. If the event that shall be converted is longer than the tempo curve of the ``TempoConverter``, then the last tempo of the curve will be hold. :return: A new ``Event`` object which duration property has been adapted by the tempo curve of the ``TempoConverter``. **Example:** >>> from mutwo import core_converters >>> from mutwo import core_events >>> from mutwo import core_parameters >>> tempo_envelope = core_events.Envelope( ... [[0, core_parameters.DirectTempoPoint(60)], [3, 60], [3, 30], [5, 50]], ... ) >>> my_tempo_converter = core_converters.TempoConverter(tempo_envelope) >>> my_events = core_events.Consecution([core_events.SimpleEvent(d) for d in (3, 2, 5)]) >>> my_tempo_converter.convert(my_events) Consecution([SimpleEvent(duration = DirectDuration(duration = 3)), SimpleEvent(duration = DirectDuration(duration = 7205759403792795/2251799813685248)), SimpleEvent(duration = DirectDuration(duration = 6))]) """ copied_event_to_convert = event_to_convert.destructive_copy() self._convert_event(copied_event_to_convert, core_parameters.DirectDuration(0)) return copied_event_to_convert
[docs]class EventToMetrizedEvent( """Apply tempo envelope of event on itself""" def __init__( self, skip_level_count: typing.Optional[int] = None, maxima_depth_count: typing.Optional[int] = None, ): self._skip_level_count = skip_level_count self._maxima_depth_count = maxima_depth_count def _convert_chronon( self, event_to_convert: core_events.SimpleEvent, absolute_entry_delay: | float | int, depth: int = 0, ) -> core_events.SimpleEvent: return event_to_convert def _convert_event( self, event_to_convert:, absolute_entry_delay: | float | int, depth: int = 0, ) ->[]: if (self._skip_level_count is None or self._skip_level_count < depth) and ( self._maxima_depth_count is None or depth < self._maxima_depth_count ): tempo_converter = TempoConverter(event_to_convert.tempo_envelope) event_to_convert = tempo_converter.convert(event_to_convert) event_to_convert.reset_tempo_envelope() else: # Ensure we return copied event! event_to_convert = event_to_convert.destructive_copy() return super()._convert_event(event_to_convert, absolute_entry_delay, depth)
[docs] def convert(self, event_to_convert: -> """Apply tempo envelope of event on itself""" return self._convert_event(event_to_convert, 0, 0)