Source code for mutwo.reaper_converters.reaper

import typing

from mutwo import core_converters
from mutwo import core_events
from mutwo import core_parameters
from mutwo import reaper_converters

__all__ = (

[docs]class SimpleEventToMarkerName(core_converters.SimpleEventToAttribute): """Convert :class:`~mutwo.core_events.SimpleEvent` to a name of a marker. By default `mutwo` will fetch from an event the :const:`~mutwo.reaper_converters.configurations.DEFAULT_MARKER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME`. If no attribute with `attribute_name` can be found the converter will simply return ``None``. """ def __init__( self, attribute_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, exception_value=None, ): if attribute_name is None: attribute_name = ( reaper_converters.configurations.DEFAULT_MARKER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) super().__init__(attribute_name, exception_value)
[docs]class SimpleEventToMarkerColor(core_converters.SimpleEventToAttribute): """Convert :class:`~mutwo.core_events.SimpleEvent` to the color of a marker. By default `mutwo` will fetch from an event the :const:`~mutwo.reaper_converters.configurations.DEFAULT_MARKER_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME`. If no attribute with `attribute_name` can be found the converter will simply return ``None``. """ def __init__( self, attribute_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, exception_value=None, ): if attribute_name is None: attribute_name = ( reaper_converters.configurations.DEFAULT_MARKER_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) super().__init__(attribute_name, exception_value)
[docs]class EventToReaperMarkerString( """Make Reaper Marker entries. :param chronon_to_marker_name: A function which converts a :class:`~mutwo.core_events.SimpleEvent` to the marker name. If the function returns ``None`` `mutwo` will ignore` the current event. By default `chronon_to_marker_name` is set to :class:`SimpleEventToMarkerName`. :type chronon_to_marker_name: typing.Callable[[core_events.SimpleEvent], str] :param chronon_to_marker_color: A function which converts a :class:`~mutwo.core_events.SimpleEvent` to the marker color. If the function returns ``None`` `mutwo` will ignore` the current event. By default `chronon_to_marker_name` is set to :class:`SimpleEventToMarkerColor`. :type chronon_to_marker_color: typing.Callable[[core_events.SimpleEvent], str] The resulting string can be copied into the respective reaper project file one line before the '<PROJBAY' tag. **Example:** >>> from mutwo import reaper_converters >>> from mutwo import core_events >>> marker_converter = reaper_converters.EventToReaperMarkerString() >>> events = core_events.Consecution([core_events.SimpleEvent(2), core_events.SimpleEvent(3)]) >>> events[0].name = 'beginning' >>> events[0].color = r'0 16797088 1 B {A4376701-5AA5-246B-900B-28ABC969123A}' >>> events[1].name = 'center' >>> events[1].color = r'0 18849803 1 B {E4DD7D23-98F4-CA97-8587-F4259A9498F7}' >>> print(marker_converter.convert(events)) MARKER 0 0.0 beginning 0 16797088 1 B {A4376701-5AA5-246B-900B-28ABC969123A} MARKER 1 2.0 center 0 18849803 1 B {E4DD7D23-98F4-CA97-8587-F4259A9498F7} """ def __init__( self, chronon_to_marker_name: typing.Callable[ [core_events.SimpleEvent], str ] = SimpleEventToMarkerName(), # type: ignore chronon_to_marker_color: typing.Callable[ [core_events.SimpleEvent], str ] = SimpleEventToMarkerColor(), # type: ignore ): self._chronon_to_marker_name = chronon_to_marker_name self._chronon_to_marker_color = chronon_to_marker_color def _convert_chronon( self, chronon: core_events.SimpleEvent, absolute_entry_delay:, ) -> tuple[str, ...]: marker_name = self._chronon_to_marker_name(chronon) marker_color = self._chronon_to_marker_color(chronon) # If any of the functions return ``None`` `mutwo` will ignore` # the current event. if marker_name is None or marker_color is None: return tuple([]) return ( "{} {} {}".format( absolute_entry_delay.duration_in_floats, marker_name, marker_color ), )
[docs] def convert(self, event_to_convert: -> str: """Convert event to reaper markers (as plain string). :param event_to_convert: The event which shall be converted to reaper marker entries. :type event_to_convert: :return: The reaper marker entries as plain strings. Copy them to your reaper project file one line before the '<PROJBAY' tag and the next time when you open the project they will appear. :return type: str """ reaper_marker_tuple = tuple( "MARKER {} {}".format(marker_index, marker_data) for marker_index, marker_data in enumerate( self._convert_event(event_to_convert, core_parameters.DirectDuration(0)) ) ) return "\n".join(reaper_marker_tuple)