Similar software

There are many similar projects as mutwo. Some of them were inspirations for mutwo. Maybe one of them fits better to your specific purpose:

Python based composition frameworks:

  • scamp: “SCAMP is a computer-assisted composition framework in Python designed to act as a hub, flexibly connecting the composer-programmer to a variety of resources for playback and notation.”

  • isobar: “isobar is a Python library for creating and manipulating musical patterns, designed for use in algorithmic composition, generative music and sonification.”

  • JythonMusic: “JythonMusic is an environment for music making and creative programming.”

  • music21: “A Toolkit for Computational Musicology”

  • musx: “musx (pronounced muse ex) is a package for composing and processing symbolic music information.”

  • musicpy: “Musicpy is a music programming language in Python designed to write music in very handy syntax through music theory and algorithms.”

Composition frameworks in other languages:

  • slippery-chicken: “a Common Lisp and CLOS package for algorithmic composition.”

  • OpenMusic: “OpenMusic (OM) is a visual programming language for computer-assisted music composition created at IRCAM, inheriting from a long tradition of computer-assisted composition research.”

  • Euterpea: “Euterpea is a cross-platform, domain-specific language for computer music applications embedded in the Haskell programming language.”

  • jMusic: “jMusic is a project designed to provide composers and software developers with a library of compositional and audio processing tools.”

  • MusicKit: “MusicKit is a framework and DSL for creating, analyzing, and transforming music in Swift.”

  • opusmodus: “Opusmodus is a comprehensive computer-aided environment for the whole work of music composition a virtual space where a composer can develop ideas and experiments for projects large and small” (commercial, closed-source)

  • gm: “R Package for Music Score and Audio Generation”